This is one of the highlights of my year. For many people in the church, the semi annual conference is the one opportunity to be able to escape, take a trip, go somewhere. After all they don’t have the responsibility of one (or more) Sunday callings (ie: a teacher, pianist, nursery leader, etc.). But for me, I enjoy the opportunity of sitting at the feet of prophets, seers and revelators who have prayed the I might understand the messages they give.
My wonder at their insights is akin to the wonder I believe propelled the 5,000 to sit at the feet of Jesus and his apostles all the day long until the Saviour felt moved to find them bread to eat and miraculously provided for them all. It wasn’t just the teachings of the Master that kept them there, but also the spirit they felt as they saw and heard from his lips. He fed them a spiritual feast before he fed them the loaves and fishes.
I’m looking forward to this weekend’s spiritual feast.
My wonder at their insights is akin to the wonder I believe propelled the 5,000 to sit at the feet of Jesus and his apostles all the day long until the Saviour felt moved to find them bread to eat and miraculously provided for them all. It wasn’t just the teachings of the Master that kept them there, but also the spirit they felt as they saw and heard from his lips. He fed them a spiritual feast before he fed them the loaves and fishes.
I’m looking forward to this weekend’s spiritual feast.