Monday, September 24, 2007

Mormon Insights on 1 Cor: 1-6

Our Sunday school class had great insight for me this week. It was pointed out the details of Paul's letter to the Corinthians. Even though it is designated 1 Corinthans, from the content, it becomes obvious that Paul had written them before and they had written back with questions that he was now answering. Among many topics, Paul talks of the Jews and of the Greeks - the one known for knowing the wisdom of God and the other for their analytical abilities - two ends of the spectrum of worldly thought. Paul states: 1 Cor 22: For the Jews require a sign, and the Greeks seek after wisdom: 23: But we preach Christ crucified, unto the Jews a stumblingblock, and unto the Greeks foolishness.

It's the same today. We preach of Jesus Christ, the literal son of God, His only begotton Son in the flesh, crucified, atoning for the sins of all the world, deliverer of salvation and the resurrection as a free gift for all, fulfilling the will of His Father and Our Father in Heaven. To the mass of christendom, we're heretical. To the mass of the learned, simply deluded.

Through the foolish (and simple) things of the world is the understanding of God made known. Approach Him and He can faithfully give you all the proof you need. I don't pretend to know all things, but I do know through the undeniable whisperings of the Holy Ghost, that the Lord has re-established His Church and Kingdom on the Earth once more with simple men chosen as prophets to help usher in His Millenial reign. I'm glad to have a small part in it.


Madame said...

Dad, obviously, this is your blog and you can post whatever you want, but why not post something about you. I have had enough scripture nonsense for a lifetime and then some.

We get it, mormonism is important to you, but it isn't important to everyone else - you are. Now tell us about you.

Anonymous said...

Interesting view on the 'simple' men who are prophets. Why does one seem to need millions to make it into the top 12? Not many simpletons among the bunch.

I agree with madame, would love to hear about your antics. I did attend BYU... (I have a minor in religion...) I also taught gospel doctrine for 2 years at BYU.

genny said...

I agree that I want to hear more about you, and I would prefer not to read about religious topics, but then again... this is YOUR blog and religion is a part of you. So keep on writing whatever you want.

Wendi said...

Hi Jim--

I linked over to you from Audrey's cute little blog! How are you?

I enjoyed your reflections from the lesson, and am very prone to scripture nonsense on my blog too! I've really enjoyed studying the teachings of Paul the past month or so. He's remarkable.

Anyway, it was fun to come across a little blast from the past.
