Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Grey Days

These are the grey days of winter. Overcast, icy - even ice bound. School was cancelled today because of the ice storm. It rained while the ground temperature was 23 - 26 degrees last night, but it warmed up this morning to 32 and allowed the streets to be reasonably safe. Then it continued to rain most of the day, adding to the ice on the vegetation and threatening an evening of slippery conditions. It's supposed to warm up tomorrow, so we'll see ice falling from trees, wires and otherwise from the sky. Deb took this picture in the neighborhood of the trees.
On a sunny note - Our passports came, reminding us once again of our Anniversary trip to Mexico in January. Ole.


genny said...

i love ice storms!!!

E said...

How exciting! So much closer to the lovely cruise. Have I mentioned that I am super jealous?!