What a glorious day arose on Wednesday. We docked about 7 am with disembarkation by about 7:45. Here's the view of the ship from the dock.
The temperatures were in the low 80's, a little cool at first, but the water was warm enough and clear to easily see 15 - 25 feet without distortion. We had signed up for clear kayaks and snorkeling.
The beach was deceptively beautiful. The sand that you see is made of crushed coral which is very gritty and hurts bare feet quickly. As you get to the water, the sand is even coarser and they actually provide steps out to the boats with sandbags sunk in the water as stepping stones to the boats and from coming back from snorkeling.
Because the sand is so coarse and heavy, it stays on the bottom and makes the water VERY clear, so that coral formations, fish and plant life are easily seen as you skim upon the surface breathing through a tube. We saw brain coral, fern coral, orange, blue and red coral. Fish of many colorful varieties - blue, orange, purple, etc. Deb also saw a Sting Ray. I was snorkeling too much on my own. It was a great adventure.
The is a picture of Gringo Jim with our guide, Roman.
1 comment:
hi jim and debbie, sure like your bog and happy anniversary, what a great trip and beautiful ship. you two look great all dressed "formal" We will read more and again Happy 25!!!
Love Pete and Diana
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