Sunday, February 10, 2008

Give it Up for JRS

Well the final blog entry about the cruise has to be about the finals in the Karaoke contest. On the second night of the cruise, they had a Karaoke event to select finalists for the last evening. I qualified by singing 'Copacabana' by Barry Manilow. It's very lively, very quick but has 58 measures of empty space to be filled in with Dancing or re-runs from Jay Leno. 4 contestants qualified that evening. On two other nights, 4 more qualified. One wisely dropped out before the final performance in the main auditorium 'The Paladium'. I was the first of the 7 remaining participants.
It was obvious that each of them 'loved' their music. Mine was just a passing fancy by comparison. Deb filmed a very complete view of my pain. I started out just under the key for the music, then adjusted into the right key over about 4 phrases. Not one to hide, I continued and finished up to the 58 bars of non-lyrical music. That's where the video starts. At least in the last part, I was in key, although winded. So winded in fact, that I had to leave out some words. 'So let's give it up for Jim' as the MC announced:

The 1st place winner was incredible and Deb filmed him too. I think you'll agree, he deserved #1. So please give it up for Baron.

The last contestants were based on a petition write-in vote, not sanctioned, yet they helped to fill in the time so the judges could make their final decisions. Here is the dark side of Karaoke, Mike and John:

Mom was very kind to indulge me. We went to all 3 Karaoke events and sang in them all - 'Always on My Mind' by Willie Nelson was the second night. It was fun, it was enchanting, it was embarassing and now its over.

1 comment:

E said...

How entertaining! You actually did pretty well considering the dancing and the rocky start. It was cute :)