Sunday, November 2, 2008

A Temple in KC

In October conference, in the first session, in the first talk by President Monson, it was announced that a Temple would be built in the 'greater Kansas City area'. Speculation immediately took hold - where? It will be in Clay county at the Shoal Creek exit of I-435, short of Liberty in Kansas City, MO (5 minutes from Carrie and John Shaw's house - my niece). That was the revelation that I was waiting for last conference, I guess.

I'm sorry that I haven't shared more of my thoughts on this blog with you. I guess that the last entry about conference and it's meaning to me left me with a need to answer that challenge of seeing there revelation, or an incredible experience. There was revelation there, to be sure. But like most revelation, it was spoken for me - t0 my soul. Much of it could be shared, but normally not in a public way. That which is a personal sacred experience can be trivialized and sullied in public declarations. I don't want to seek after public acclaim, but I do want to live in such a way that in the day I see my Saviour face to face, I will feel comfortable.

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