Wednesday, December 26, 2007
A Season of Singing
As I've done solos, some people wonder how I can do it. To me it's all in realizing why I do the music and what the message is and who I'm singing to. I look directly at the audience one person at a time and try to present the music to them, phrased just so to make it touch them like it touches me. Other solos I've done this year include 'Danny Boy', 'O Thou Font of Every Blessing', 'O My Father' and 'A Poor Wayfaring Man of Grief'. It's been a great blessing to share the gift of music.
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Christmas at Grandma's House

Maria and Malorie shine with the new hat and scarf.

Finally, Meagan and Tommie

White Christmas
The lights were added on the Saturday before Christmas as the weather 'soared' to above 50 degrees, balmy enough to feel comfortable getting out on a ladder and hooking the lights to the gutters. The half price sale price the week before Christmas also helped push me over the edge. Another vindication of waiting to shop till the last moment.
Congratulations David
On my last trip, I did a photo shoot just for the followers of this BlogSpot. I took this picture partially to prove that he really is going into this marriage with his eyes wide open!
Congratulations also on his final semester of medical school. When his final board tests are completed in February, he'll be able to practice all the disciplines he's studied. He has already been practicing for at least the last year. I know he's helped me out a lot.
Sunday, December 16, 2007
Brilliant Crystal Days
This is Elena at the start of our adventure in wonderland.
Just looking through the trees in a different way can change the scene to marvelucci.The nearby park had the most interesting photo-ops.
Even the grass was covered with the incessant rain from the days before
Elena decided to give her ice skating skills a try on the once safe sidewalk.
You can also see the effect of ice in the park. And if you listen closely, you can hear the crashing of ice.
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Grey Days
Friday, November 23, 2007
Thank God for Thanksgiving

Let's go around the table -
Carrie came with her 3 beautiful girls. You've seen them before.
Thursday, November 22, 2007
Turkey Bowl 2007

On the other hand, our quarterback tries a pass and then goes right for a first down (passing the 1/2 way point in the field). You'll see Israel chasing him down in this clip.
Well, you've just been treated to the MFL (the Mormon Football league). No promotional fees were paid and no jocks were harmed in the production of this movie clip. MVF (Most Valuable Family) had a tie. 3 persons came from the Bishop's family (Bishop Fareter, his daughter and her husband) and 3 came from the Scotts, Jim, John and Israel.
Monday, November 12, 2007
Something Special for 25 Years

Sunday, November 11, 2007
Fall colors
Thursday, November 8, 2007
A new addtion to the kitchen
Sunday, November 4, 2007
Adventures in Babysitting
Sunday, October 28, 2007
New Blog on the Block
We were just sharing our experiences and I had a few I told Jim about this weekend. I went into work last Friday, taking the last hard boiled egg to eat, in my new purse. I remembered the egg and went to take it out of my purse !!##$$% it wasn't hard boiled.. just a messy side pocket yoke and shells. Yuk! So I washed it out, which came out fine and dried out that lining. I thought I'd dry it in our store room where it's nice and warm. I dried it alright and toasted part of the bottom of my new purse and it cooked the leather. A lady who I just met that day said, I'd throw that away and I thought she's crazy it's leather and brand new, I'm not throwing it away.. cooked leather and all!
By the way next the garage door broke while Jim was away. I noticed as I was pulling out of the driveway that the door wasn't going down. I got out of the car and the track was just rolling and rolling. I pushed the remote button to stop it and decided to pull the garage door down, the emergency level wouldn't budge... so I ended up pulling down the door with a broom handle, being short and not able to reach and having nice clothes on because I was headed out to a reception, and wanted to get there somewhat early. I had to go back into the house, come out the front door and shut the garage from inside because Jim has the remote.
The night of the reception, Pete, my wonderful son-in-law, loaned me his coat because it was so cold. I was as toasty as a clam, then on their leaving I returned Pete's coat and realized after they'd been gone for a good few minutes, my keys were in Pete's coat pocket! I didn't have a cell phone on me, it was in the car. Thank goodness for friends who do. They loaned my their phone so I could call Elena and sure enough ....the keys were in the pocket. I had to call way out of the yard from the reception because they had a live band which was loud! ! On walking in the dark towards the neightbor's back yard corner to hear on the cell phone I stepped in dog dew.. I didn't notice until I drove to my friend's house after the reception for a visit. She gave me some free clothes from an employee of hers who buys really expsensive clothing. I now have three pairs of pants, a hooded jacket, and blue blouse to wear..
Now I have to figure out how to place this in the blog box. I know this is the blog box..
Indoor Soccer News
I've been playing for just over a year with an adult soccer team in the LOWEST division. I'm the oldest player by 10 years. The age group is 17 - 99. I'm the closest to the top end. I also have the whitest head, so as a distraction, I play goalie. Picture soccer players 24-35 firing missiles at me from short distances and you'll know how I feel as I defend the goal. I rarely go home without hurting somewhere. Hands are bent back un-naturally. Thumb jamb. Knee or elbow burn on artificial grass. Bent glasses from hi-inpact events. But, hey, it's fun. Out of 5 seasons, we've been in 2nd place once, next to last once, and last place all the other times.
Monday, October 8, 2007
My marvelous children
I’ve been fortunate. Amber is a gifted leader with an adoring husband and a beautiful little girl. Ben is a hardworking builder and has a fine family of a boy and girl with a wonderful wife who seems to put up with him well. Claire is a treasure of analytical talent and understanding. She is also kind-hearted and loving and has made the best of her hardships. Dondi has been independent, and making it on her own, working hard and making friends wherever she goes. Elena has been a great contributor to Dad’s business. She manages a continual growing group of clients who depend upon her organizational talent to keep things straight. Her creativity and editing ability is much appreciated. Farrah has stepped out to work in an area she had never tried before. She’s always been an EXTREMEly reliable and valuable worker. She’s been a trainer of others for years. It’s good to see her succeed and good to see her with her sister. Genny is such a leader, and loves her niece. Genny is a devoted friend and a learner. She loves to read and analyze her world.
I love my children and have been thinking how exciting it is to see them succeed in their own worlds. I have definitely won the lottery.
Monday, September 24, 2007
Mormon Insights on 1 Cor: 1-6
It's the same today. We preach of Jesus Christ, the literal son of God, His only begotton Son in the flesh, crucified, atoning for the sins of all the world, deliverer of salvation and the resurrection as a free gift for all, fulfilling the will of His Father and Our Father in Heaven. To the mass of christendom, we're heretical. To the mass of the learned, simply deluded.
Through the foolish (and simple) things of the world is the understanding of God made known. Approach Him and He can faithfully give you all the proof you need. I don't pretend to know all things, but I do know through the undeniable whisperings of the Holy Ghost, that the Lord has re-established His Church and Kingdom on the Earth once more with simple men chosen as prophets to help usher in His Millenial reign. I'm glad to have a small part in it.
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
New Guest Room in Dodge
Here's the new look to Genny's room as it has been transformed into a guest room by Farrah and her good buddy Bo.
Farrah came in over the Labor Day holiday and transformed the room from Friday into Saturday night, buying a few important items like lamps, drapes, hardware, wall nick nacks, end tables and also providing a sleep number double bed, that once was a gift to her.
Then she painted and made magic happen.
Thank you, Farrah and Bo.
Seen at Dad's 7th Birthday celebration. (for the 50th time!)
Grandkids in St. Louis
McDonald's is 2 blocks away from their Uncle and Aunt's house where they stayed. It has a great playland area. Ben, Alex and their cousin kept busy while we watched. Alexandria kept busy teasing her brother.
There was also lunch at the house. Benny took full advantage of the Juice box.
Monday, August 27, 2007
Lenexa 100 part II
Lenexa 100 at dinner
Friday, August 17, 2007
New to Blogging

This is me with Debbie, although Deb would not give her permission to show her in this photo. She had a total laughing face, which she viewed as 'not her best photo'.
We were in San Diego Aug 11 - 15th to celebrate David's graduation from the Pacific College of Oriental Medicine. He graduated on Sunday, Aug 12th.
We were all there to see him cross the finish line. Debbie and I, Chris and Maria with Chase, Marissa, and Malorie, DeLynne, Mom and Catherine (DeLynne's good friend). Also Julie and her parents were there to cheer him on as well.
You'll notice David in his graduation uniform in the previous blog entry.
Thursday, August 16, 2007
Blog Creation

After seeing with delight the Blog entries of my children and grand-children, I have decided that it would be good to make a Blog representing 1 generation closer to the grave (without actually being there!). David and I pledged to make a blog within 45 days. With this blog I'm 43 days early.
With this medium, I hope that those children, grand-children and friends who see the sun rise over Boston Harbor, the Potomac, and the Floridian lakes can join with those who gaze with awe the sunsets over Ocean beach, Puget Sound and Point Loma's Sunset cliffs.